All posts by Freddie Holding

Best ever view of dwarf planet Ceres

The 950km-wide object, known as Ceres, has been pictured at a resolution that exceeds anything seen previously by telescopes, even Hubble.

Nasa’s Dawn spacecraft can see details on the  icy rock’s  surface down to a scale of 22km per pixel.  The new picture was taken on Monday, January 26th  from a distance of 237,000km –

See also:


Discovered in 1801, Ceres was once known as a planet, then reclassified as an asteroid. It was recast as a dwarf planet, like Pluto, in 2006.

Scientists pinpoint SATURN with exquisite accuracy

Scientists have paired NASA’s Cassini spacecraft with the National Science Foundation’s Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio-telescope system to pinpoint the position of Saturn and its family of moons to within about 2 miles (4 kilometres) –

More about Saturn here  –